Cuddle time with our sheep
Some of you have already seen our sheep walking past, but would you like to meet them properly?
We think it's balm for the soul to sit between them, pet them and scratch them - but we never have enough hands ourselves for everyone who wants to be cuddled! If you are curious and like animals, please book a visit to the girls, lambs and Mr. Papa:

♥ Groups or families with a maximum of 5 people possible
♥ 1 hour - 350 SEK for the whole group, including fika (coffee and cake)
♥ Please bring your own, clean and sturdy shoes. We recommend long pants and clothes that are allowed to get dirty.
♥ Do you have an intolerance or do you eat vegan? Please let us know so that we can adjust the coffee & cake accordingly.
♥ For bookings write us a message (we speak German, Swedish and English).
Of course, hand disinfectant will be available and, if desired, masks as well. Please, just come when you're feeling healthy.
The visit is also available as a voucher, and we can even bake birthday cakes!
Would you like to book? Write a message to us!

The sheep can enter the stable whenever they want. They like to be inside when the weather is wet and cold, and we can visit and cuddle them there too.

Whenever the weather permits it is just wonderful to sit with the sheep in the pasture and scratch those who come to you voluntarily. It is important that adults guide their children, but someone from us will also be there to tell about the most popular scratching spots and tell you more about the sheep and the farm - if you wish! If our visitors prefer to spend an hour in silence with the girls, nothing stands in the way either.